
There's an ebb and flow

To this life, the veins know it

The pushing forward

The back splash

The moment of silence at the edge

Of the pendulum swing

I have loved youth and beauty

Even when they failed or

Especially when the failed and

I have loved your becoming and undoing

The saying of the feeling

The feeling of the knowing

The saying without saying

The going without going

Let me feel you here

In this song, a pulse a star might sing

To space, that deaf emptiness

Sucking at the edge of every last

Pendulum swing

Then cover the clocks and ebb

Further than you knew there was

Into yourself

Bring back every treasure you can find

However broken, however many have called worthless, we have learned the art of polish, kintsugi spilling golden light to swallow every crevice of pain

Erasing all shame

I've got 4 chambers full of favors

Blown like dandelion blessings in the rain, come make every moon so full we can't stand it

And howl with me again


Desert Nights