
The love songs sing
themselves, through empty
hills where our spirits rush
headlong into ether

A pair of salted dreams
shaking sand from
our skin, our hair
the ocean of ache
when you leave

The desperate moon
long casting full shadows
on the kisses we plant
all over the skin like a garden
fresh dirt and flower scent

I'm alone when i think of you most
gathered in clouds and humidity
hungry for the heat of you, the
gentle rocking of your heartbeat
teaching me new rhythms

A begged for barter, love for more love⁹
hours in tethered togetherness
spiderweb filaments warm like breath
grieve the summer as leaves gather
around our restless feet

Two winding roads
intersecting over and over
dots of spoken light, leftover
star shine, laying down memory
markers, still singing old songs
a teaching, tantalizing tempo

teased into a history.


Tipping the Scales